Gestión del Paisaje para Suelo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Clima (FMAM 7).
In an effort to address land degradation and reduce climate risks in the Bahamas, the Department of Environmental Planning & Protection (DEPP) of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of The Bahamas and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in coordination with IICA, with funding from the GEF, is seeking to develop and implement the full-size project, "Integrated Landscape Management for Addressing Land Degradation, Food Security and Climate Resilience Challenge in The Bahamas.

To enhance climate-resilient food production across productive agricultural landscapes through sound Integrated landscape Management and Land Degradation Neutrality approaches in The Bahamas
Datos del Proyecto
Código - IICA:
En proceso
Estado del Proyecto:
Datos SbN