IICA´s Direct Technical Cooperation in Barbados
The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in Barbados collaborated with agrotourism and safety through training and workshops funded by entities such as the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. It also strengthened the beekeeping industry through the creation of a reference study and preparation of manuals for beekeeping and carried out the APICARIBE triangular cooperation project which facilitated diagnoses, training and recommendations for the national beekeeping sector. The Institute established an artificial insemination laboratory at the Greenland Livestock Research Station and consolidated its actions in technology and innovation by supporting agricultural sectors and promoting agri-food digitalization through the Agripoint website.

IICA's purpose in Barbados is to be a first-rate development partner, with greater horizontal cooperation with IICA's offices in LAC, alignment with hemispheric programs, greater visibility in traditional and social media, greater community participation, and greater operational efficiency and effectiveness in resource mobilization and project execution.
Datos del Proyecto
Código - IICA:
En proceso
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