This Initiative is based on four strategic axes that constitute the “navigation chart” that will guide its activities and tasks:
Strategic Axes
Strengthen the capacities of countries to design and implement plans, programs and projects for the production and storage of water for agriculture.
Water production and storage

Improve efficiency in the use of water for agriculture through technological innovation, with emphasis on the dissemination and application of innovations in collection, storage, distribution and technical irrigation on the farm, as well as the intensification of crops resistant to water stress.
Efficiency in water use
Strengthen the governance of water for agriculture, by the ministries and institutions governing water.
Water governance for agriculture
Improve the planning, allocation and public-private articulation of pre-investment and investment resources in the countries for the integrated and efficient management of water use for agriculture.
Boosting investments for water in agriculture

Expected results
Countries create and expand their information systems by improving integrated water resources management processes for agriculture, prioritizing actions at the watershed level, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and good agricultural practices.
Technicians from the public and private sectors, producers and agricultural producer organizations have the capabilities and have the technical tools, financial instruments and technical assistance to design and implement plans, programs and projects for water production and storage. for agriculture.
National agricultural research or innovation systems are capable of providing innovative technological solutions to improve efficiency in the use of water for agriculture (SNIA[1] and INIAs).
National agricultural research or innovation systems promote the dissemination and application of technological innovations in collection, storage, distribution and use of intra-farm technical irrigation, in strategic alliances with universities, research institutes, cooperation and financing organizations, and companies. private, using digital platforms and direct technical assistance.
National agricultural research or innovation systems exchange technological solutions that aim to recover degraded soils, to increase water retention in them, in coordination with IICA's Living Soils Initiative.
The countries promote the creation and development of support service companies for agricultural producers to promote and expand technical irrigation.
[1] SNIA: National agricultural innovation systems.
The countries have regulatory frameworks, good practices and strategic water indicators for agriculture, identified and systematized, on shareable digital platforms.
Ministries of agriculture and national governing bodies actively participate in the design and execution of plans and programs for integrated water management in agriculture, prioritizing work at the hydrographic basin level.
The countries have regulatory frameworks, innovative policies and updated national water use plans for agriculture, which allow for better positioning and negotiating capacity in the integrated management of water and its use for agriculture.
Ministries of agriculture and governing institutions have basic information on technical, institutional, financial, economic and environmental aspects, suitable for the analysis and allocation of pre-investment resources and investment in water resources.
Three countries have project portfolios that organize and prioritize the allocation of pre-investment and investment resources for water collection, storage, distribution and application of water on farms with technical irrigation, which support negotiations for their implementation with bilateral and multilateral institutions. cooperation and financing for development.
Countries have promotion instruments (competitive funds, competitive funds or other types), which contribute to expanding the use of technical irrigation in agriculture in a competitive, sustainable and inclusive way.