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Find here the main IICA publications on water resource management for agriculture in the Americas.


Innovations in water management in agriculture


Inventory of water management technologies for family agriculture


Water for agriculture in the Americas


Innovation and water management for sustainable development in agriculture


Water, food for the earth


Methodological guide for the evaluation of the water footprint in a hydrographic basin

Evaluation of the water footprint in hydrographic basins


The potential of irrigated agriculture


Social water management


Payment for environmental services and sustainable development in rural areas


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Publications made by the World Bank

A Retrospective of Lending for Irrigation - Reflections on 70 Years of Bank Experience (English)

Water Management in Oil and Gas Operations: Industry Practice and Policy Guidelines for Developing Countries

A Retrospective of Lending for Irrigation - Reflections on 70 Years of Bank Experience (English)

Valuing Climate Adaptation Helps Us Orient Our Compass Toward Effective and Resilient Pathways: Climate Adaptation Costing in a Changing World

Water for Shared Prosperity

Funding a Water-Secure Future: An Assessment of Global Public Spending

The Impact of Climate Change on Education and What to Do about It

Action plan on climate change 2021-2025

How much do households in Latin America pay for water and sanitation services?

Getting to work with integrity: tools to evaluate, manage and strengthen integrity in organizations in the water and sanitation sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

Women upstream: life stories in the water, sanitation and solid waste sector

Focused analysis: management for gender equality and inclusion of diversity in companies providing water and sanitation services

With heat and water up to our necks: nine paths towards development resilient to climate change

Research Insights: Can Water Use Be Reduced through Policies that Promote Individual Metering of Water Consumption?

Effects of the “El Niño” phenomenon in the Andean Region

Improving infrastructure resilience with nature-based solutions (NBS)

Resilient drinking water and sanitation services in Latin America and the Caribbean

Water for the future: Water security strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean

Water in times of drought II: lessons from droughts around the world

The water agenda and development financing

Bet on agriculture to achieve productive diversification

Water and Land Stress in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru under Coupled Climate-Socioeconomic Scenarios

Safe water and sanitation for a healthy life

Guide for the management of water resources in mountain basins under the effect of climate change

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