The initiative
This Initiative proposes solutions with innovative approaches that respond to the diversity of situations, among others: the availability and quality of water, soils, the level of development of infrastructure for agriculture, exposure to droughts and floods, the use sustainable groundwater resources and the institutional capacity of the actors involved.

Approximately 97.5% of Earth's water is salty and the remaining 2.5% is freshwater, but only 1% is available. Of that 1%, the agricultural sector is the major consumer of around 70%. It is estimated that in the countries of the American continent more than 390 million hectares are cultivated under rainfed agriculture with a lower productivity than that of irrigation agriculture[1] There are approximately 44 million hectares cultivated with irrigated agriculture, which represents 13% of the total hectares cultivated in the region so it is imperative to increase irrigated surfaces and water efficiency for agriculture to increase productivity.
Why is water and agriculture so important?
[1] Like the rest of the world, on the American continent most of the agricultural land is dry land. 87% of the arable land corresponds to this system, in Canada it is 98%, Paraguay 87%. In 24 American countries this system is used on more than 80% of the arable land. Regarding productivity, it is estimated that cereals grown under rainfed conditions are close to 65% of the productivity achieved under irrigation.
[1] Like the rest of the world, on the American continent most of the agricultural land is dry land. 87% of the arable land corresponds to this system, in Canada it is 98%, Paraguay 87%. In 24 American countries this system is used on more than 80% of the arable land. Regarding productivity, it is estimated that cereals grown under rainfed conditions are close to 65% of the productivity achieved under irrigation.

Current Challenges
Water scarcity, misuse and the impacts of climate change seriously compromise agri-food systems and food security in the Americas and the rest of the world. As a consequence of this reality, agriculture must develop and implement innovative production systems in which the use of water will be a priority.

To ensure the sustainability of this Initiative after the end of the execution period, management agreements and commitments and support services will be established with public and private actors, cooperation and financing organizations, academia, beneficiaries and their participating organizations.
Organization for the execution of the initiative
Strategic alliances will be established with institutions that contribute to the work lines of the four strategic axes (Water production and storage, Innovation, Governance, Promotion of investments) in a “win-win” relationship.