Biotechnology: transgenic seeds
Agricultural biotechnology contributes to the sustainable use of this resource through the development of drought-resistant transgenic crop varieties or with current crops whose characteristics – such as insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – preserve resources such as water and soil.
Agricultural biotechnology contributes to the sustainable use of this resource through the development of drought-resistant transgenic crop varieties or through current crops whose characteristics – such as insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – preserve resources such as water and soil. Drought-resistant plants have been developed that avoid the consumption of large amounts of energy by the plant due to the lack of water. In the event of drought, conventional plants drain their energy reserves, causing damage. With genetically modified plants, resistance is greater and energy is destined for growth and seed production. According to a study carried out by the Brazilian Association of Seeds and Plants (Abrasem), transgenic crops approved in that country represent a saving of approximately 134 million liters of water between 2010 and 2020.
Information not found
Estimated value:
Reduce water consumption.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
500 - 1000
Precipitation (mm):
2, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
500 - 1000
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.chilebio.cl/2013/04/04/estudio-revela-que-la-biotecnologia-permite-reductor-el-uso-del-agua-en-la-agricultura/ 2- https: //ruralrosario.org/detalle/5659/Aseguran-que-la-biotecnologia-reduce-el-uso-de-agua-en-la-agricultura.html 3- https://fundacion-antama.org/la-biotecnologia-en-la-lucha-contra-la-escasez-de-agua/
Links of interest: