Minimum tillage
Also known as minimum tillage, this practice consists of intervening as little as possible in the soil when cultivating it so as not to interfere with the natural processes that take place there. Minimum tillage is the smallest amount of tillage required to create the soil conditions suitable for seed germination and plant development. The soil is prepared in the strips/bands formed by the furrows where sowing will take place (Individual minimum tillage).
Also known as minimum tillage, this practice consists of intervening as little as possible in the soil when cultivating it so as not to interfere with the natural processes that take place there. Minimum tillage is the smallest amount of tillage required to create the soil conditions suitable for seed germination and plant development. The soil is prepared in the strips/bands formed by the furrows where sowing will take place (individual minimum tillage). The main function is to reduce the susceptibility of the soil to erosion, but it also helps to maintain the level of organic matter, conserve soil moisture and protect the macrofauna in the soil. Existing as physical elements or components, the technology develops two modalities. First, using a precision seeder, which performs two main tasks: sowing and localized fertilization, avoiding soil removal, which contributes to reducing its erosion and maintaining its moisture. The second is the use of the ratchet, a modified implement that does the same job as the precision seeding machine, that is, sowing the grain and fertilizing at the same time, intended for producers who sow on slopes.
Estimated value:
Reduces soil erosion and water evaporation.
Expected environmental impact:
50 - 70
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
900 - 1,800
Precipitation (mm):
2, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
900 - 1,800
Application difficulty:
1- http://repositorio.iica.int/bitstream/handle/11324/7220/BVE18040308e.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 2- https://www.mag.go.cr/rev_meso/v12n02_209.pdf 3- https://repository.agrosavia.co/bitstream/handle/20.500.12324/37448/Ver_Documento_37448.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 4- https://www.fao.org/3/x8234s/x8234s0c.htm 5- https://www.contextoganadero.com/agricultura/beneficios-de-la-labranza-minima-y-3-formas-de-realizarla
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