Macro tunnels for controlled environments.
The technology consists of building small structures (5 m wide by 16 m long) in the form of tunnels that serve to protect crops, especially vegetables. In their manufacture, iron rods are used, which form an arch when embedded in the ground, supported by posts with round sticks and attached to galvanized wires to which a plastic cover is tied, for protection against ultraviolet rays.
The technology consists of building small structures (5 m wide by 16 m long) in the form of tunnels that serve to protect crops, especially vegetables. In their manufacture, iron rods are used, which form an arch when embedded in the ground, supported by posts with round sticks and attached to galvanized wires to which a plastic cover is tied, for protection against ultraviolet rays. The main objective of the macrotunnels is to control the excess precipitation that affects the cultivation of vegetables, causing their total loss or reducing their quality by decreasing their size, color or by the splashing of fungi on the leaves, which cause rot and damage to the foliage. It also reduces evapotranspiration levels by decreasing the direct influence of the sun on crops, which optimizes water management in a controlled environment. In addition to protecting crops from excess rainfall, macrotunnels offer protection against temperature changes, pests and other threats.
Estimated value:
Being a controlled climate, water consumption is optimized.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
1,000 - 1,500
Precipitation (mm):
2, 9, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
1,000 - 1,500
Application difficulty:
1- http://repositorio.iica.int/bitstream/handle/11324/7220/BVE18040308e.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 2- https://www.mag.go.cr/bibliotecavirtual/AV-1530.pdf 3- https://horticulture.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk1816/files/extension_material_files/Santos_manual_produccion_de_hortalizas_en_ambientes_protegidas.pdf 4- https://www.agropinos.com/blog/implementar-macrotuneles-en-la-produccion
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