Underground dams
This is a technology for storing water underground that involves the generation of small, artisanally confined aquifers (volume of underground soil saturated with water).
This is a technology for storing water underground that consists of the generation of small, artisanally confined aquifers (a volume of underground soil saturated with water). These serve the function of blocking underground runoff by forming an impermeable barrier transverse to the flow of water. In the construction process, an area with small ravines is first located. In one or more of them, a transverse trench with a width of approximately 0.50 m is excavated. On the wall of said trench, a polyethylene blanket or any other impermeable blanket is placed vertically, and is allowed to protrude towards the surface about 1 m to cover an edge with a height of approximately 0.60 m. Next, the trench is covered with the same soil that has been extracted. This trench and the polyethylene, located upstream, create an underground barrier or impermeable curtain that prevents infiltrated water from being lost downstream through deep percolation. Thus, a confined aquifer is created whose water can be extracted.
$300 - $600
Estimated value:
Capture and use of runoff water.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
250 - 500
Precipitation (mm):
2, 6, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water production and storage
Main theme:
250 - 500
Application difficulty:
1- http://repositorio.iica.int/bitstream/handle/11324/7220/BVE18040308e.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 2- Underground dams, a sustainable alternative for water supply – Agua.org.mx 3- https://semiaridovivo.org/es/tecnologia_social/represa-subterranea/ 4- https://www.ecodebate.com.br/2015/05/22/barragens-subterraneas-amenizam-efeitos-da-seca-no-semiarido/
Links of interest: