WATEX: Groundwater exploration
French physicist Alain Gachet was working on hydrocarbon exploration in Libya using the Watex technology he had created through his company RTI Exploration. That was his field of development: oil. While searching for this fuel, he accidentally found a deep water leak in an underground aqueduct in the middle of the desert.
French physicist Alain Gachet was working on hydrocarbon exploration in Libya using the Watex technology he had created through his company RTI Exploration. That was his field of development: oil. While searching for this fuel, he accidentally found a deep water leak in an underground aqueduct in the middle of the desert. Thus, he discovered that his system could also explore deep groundwater and that his company could make a turn towards sustainability. The technology maps groundwater with a unique combination of quantum mechanics, remote sensing, geology, geophysics, wells and climate data. This allows images of groundwater to be obtained without interference from infrastructure, rocks or vegetation. This technology will save money and improve the drilling success rate, since it replaces trial and error drilling. The use of this technology provides a solution to the severe drought affecting the country, putting relevant scientific information on the table about new water sources located at great depths.
Estimated value:
Ensures the extraction of groundwater and optimizes its consumption.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
Precipitation (mm):
2, 6, 9, 13 and 17
SDGs impacted:
Water production and storage
Main theme:
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.rtiexploration.com/# 2- https://www.paiscircular.cl/agenda-2030/tecnologia-satelital-de-nivel-mundial-permitara-crear-el-primer-mapa-de -aquifers-of-chile/ 3- https://www.larevista.cr/exploracion-y-evaluacion-de-las-aguas-subterraneas-en-costa-rica/ 4- http://www.enlineahn.com/nacionales/proponen-deteccion-de- groundwater-with-watex-technology/
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