Regulatory framework
It sets the framework and direction to enhance the impact of its mission and better achieve the vision that the organization wants to achieve in the near future. It aims to achieve more efficient and quality performance of the INA, promoting innovation, talent management, continuous improvement and the incorporation of new paradigms and new technologies to strengthen its response capacity to the main water problems of the country.
It seeks to promote the comprehensive and sustainable development of irrigated agriculture in the national territory, trying to reach a total irrigated area of about 6 million hectares by 2030, while increasing the average efficiency of water application. To achieve this, a series of specific objectives have been proposed to guide institutional initiatives at both the national and provincial levels. There is a coordination in charge of executing the National Irrigation Plan (PNR) that belongs to the National Directorate of Agriculture of the Undersecretariat of Agriculture. The National Irrigation Plan (PNR) seeks to promote the comprehensive and sustainable development of irrigated agriculture in the national territory, trying to reach a total irrigated area of about 6 million hectares by 2030, while increasing the average efficiency of application of water.
It implements socially and environmentally sustainable public investment projects, increasing the coverage and quality of rural infrastructure and agri-food services. The general objective of PROSAP is to develop regional economies and contribute to improving the competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector, with special attention to small and medium-sized producers and entrepreneurs, through strategic investments in the sector that enable increased productivity, improved quality and access to new markets, with a focus on strengthening resilience to climate change.
Preservation of water, its use and rational use: establishes the minimum environmental budgets for the preservation of water, its use and rational use. Use of water, surface water basins and watershed committees.
Establishes the minimum environmental protection budgets for the enhancement, restoration, conservation, use and sustainable management of native forests.
Institutional Framework
It is the main tool to formulate and manage programs and projects with external financing. He is in charge of responsibilities related to the planning, programming, formulation, implementation, execution, supervision, monitoring, evaluation and communication of programs and projects financed by international credit organizations within the scope of the Chief of Staff of the Minister.
Decentralized scientific and technological organization. It seeks to satisfy the requirements of study, research, development and provision of specialized services in the field of water use and preservation - it carries out studies and provides highly specialized technical services, both for public and private organizations, making facilities, instruments available to the country. and a highly qualified human team. It develops technological and training activities in various countries on all continents through cooperation agreements and specific R&D projects ranging from Chile to Japan.
It is the main tool to formulate and manage programs and projects with external financing. It belongs to the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP)
Decentralized public body with operational and financial autonomy, which is under the orbit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
The Water Cabinet aims to achieve coordination of public policies related to water management within the scope of the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing. The cabinet was established by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Policy of the Nation in December 2015 with the objective of coordinating and developing public policies that involve all the actors involved in the water issue.
It is a collegiate and federal Council, which constitutes an instance for the exchange of opinions and experiences, including direct responsibility for water management in the provinces. The exchange of ideas and experiences between provinces that are not part of the same basin provides a broad perspective and that of national organizations and helps to perceive that many problems and their possible solutions are common to all basins.
In Argentina, 32.8 million inhabitants have access to public drinking water (water coverage is 83%) and 19.4 million people have access to public sewerage (sewerage coverage is 49%), according to the 2010 Census. With respect to the uses given to water in Argentina are as follows: Agriculture and Livestock 80%, especially irrigation. Household 13% and Industry 7%.
Links of interest:
In Argentina, water availability exceeds demand. However, that is not very good news as 11% of the population currently lacks running water and many thousands waste it for no reason, says a study by Green Cross Argentina. Although the same research shows that there have been substantial improvements, the truth is that the challenges are numerous. Among some of the difficulties the researchers identify the following problems:
Inequality in access to water.
Consumption of contaminated water.
Health problems and diseases.
Contamination with agricultural chemicals, sewage and industrial effluents.
Deficit in the provision of sanitation services.