Regulatory framework
Universal access to drinking water and sanitation services is recognized in article 20, as well as the function of the State to manage, regulate, protect and plan the appropriate and sustainable use of water resources.
The purpose of this Law is to establish the rules that regulate the provision and use of Drinking Water and Sanitary Sewage Services and the institutional framework that governs them, the procedure for granting Concessions and Licenses for the provision of services, the rights and obligations of providers and users, the establishment of the principles to set Prices, Rates, Rates and Quotas, as well as the determination of infractions and sanctions.
This law establishes the powers of the entities in the sector, creates the Superintendency of Basic Sanitation, and outlines the procedure for granting concessions for the provision of services and the rights to set prices, rates, fees and quotas.
Establish the characteristics and priority actions for the exercise of the Human Right to Water and sanitation in Bolivia, pointing out the actions directed at the different sectoral actors, to generate information processes, coordination, integration of actions and efforts in the provision of water services. and sanitation with a human rights approach for the country's population.
The application instrument for Community Development and Institutional Strengthening (DESCOM-FI), as part of the Operating Regulations (RO) of the Water Program for Small Communities, incorporates in its content both the guidelines of the social strategy of the drinking water and basic sanitation sector in Bolivia, as well as the National Development Plan of the current Government, to contribute to access to quality and sustainable water and sanitation services so that Bolivians “live well.”
The purpose of this Law is to establish the vision and foundations of comprehensive development in harmony and balance with Mother Earth to Live Well, guaranteeing the continuity of the regeneration capacity of the components and life systems of Mother Earth, recovering and strengthening local knowledge and ancestral knowledge, within the framework of the complementarity of rights, obligations and duties; as well as the objectives of integral development as a means to achieve Living Well, the bases for planning, public management and investments and the strategic institutional framework for their implementation.
The purpose of this rule is to establish the organizational structure of the Executive Body of the Plurinational State, as well as the powers of the President, Vice President and Ministers, as well as define the principles and values that must guide the servants. public, in accordance with the provisions of the Political Constitution of the State.
Institutional Framework
Executes public policies, regulations, plans, programs and projects for the conservation, adaptation and sustainable use of environmental resources, as well as the development of irrigation and basic sanitation with a comprehensive watershed approach, preserving the environment, which allows guaranteeing priority use. of water for life, respecting uses and customs to Live Well (Supreme Decree 29894). Likewise, conserve, protect and sustainably use natural resources and biodiversity, as well as maintain the balance of the environment.
Assist in the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and standards for the development, provision and improvement of drinking water and basic sanitation services (sanitary sewage, disposal of excreta, solid waste and storm drainage).
Promote technical standards, regulatory provisions and instructions for the proper use and regulation of drinking water and basic sanitation services.
Promote and execute policies, plans, programs and projects, as well as manage financing for investment aimed at expanding the coverage of basic sanitation services throughout the national territory, particularly in rural areas and in sectors of the urban and peri-urban population of low income, coordinating with the corresponding instances.
Disseminate and monitor the application of policies, plans, projects and technical standards for the establishment and operation of drinking water and basic sanitation services.
Coordinate the supervision and execution of projects and programs related to drinking water and basic sanitation services at the national level.
Coordinate with the different instances of the territorial organization of the State, in the exclusive, shared and concurrent sphere of competence, the development and implementation and supervision of policies, plans, programs and projects related to the basic sanitation sector.
Implement, sustain and strengthen the National Sector Information System.
Assist in the implementation of policies, plans, programs and projects for institutional strengthening and technical assistance to entities providing drinking water and basic sanitation services.
Promote and channel financial cooperation to decentralized and autonomous territorial entities, in order to develop drinking water and basic sanitation policies, plans, programs and projects.
Manage, through the Minister's Office, the financing for the establishment of drinking water and basic sanitation programs and projects.
Contribute to the development and execution of plans, policies and regulations for Comprehensive Watershed and Irrigation Management, and in the design of strategies for the conservation, use and exploitation of water resources in all their states, surface and underground with the different actors involved. in the environmental management of hydrographic basins, respecting uses and customs.
Execute Comprehensive Watershed and Irrigation Management programs and projects.
Promote technical standards, regulatory provisions and instructions for the proper use and regulation of the irrigation sector, comprehensive management of basins, and propose through regular channels draft laws and other provisions for the sector.
Develop and implement policies, plans, programs and projects related to the comprehensive management of watersheds and irrigation, in coordination with the competent entities.
Promote and channel technical and financial cooperation to decentralized and autonomous territorial entities, in order to develop policies, plans, programs and projects for comprehensive watershed and irrigation management.
Manage through the Office of the Minister of Environment and Water financing for the establishment of programs, irrigation projects and conservation and watershed management actions.
Project and strengthen the decentralized and local institutional framework for comprehensive management of basins and water and irrigation resources.
Participate and coordinate within the framework of the Inter-American Committee of the La Plata Basin, with the Binational Commission in the management of the Yrenda-Toba Tarijeño aquifer system, together with Argentina, Paraguay and UVSMA/OAS and ISRAM Américas.
Contribute to the formulation of policies and strategies for the conservation, use and exploitation of water resources with the different actors involved in the environmental management of hydrographic basins, respecting uses and customs. As well as coordinate and assist the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in supervising compliance with agreements signed and decisions adopted that are related to international basins and shared water resources.
Promote a National Sectoral Information System as an instrument for the development of Comprehensive Watershed and Irrigation Management.
Execute, evaluate and ensure the implementation of irrigation policies, plans, programs and projects for the use of water for agricultural purposes in coordination with the National Irrigation Service – SENARI.
The SENASBA has the mission of becoming a capacity development entity for the Entities Providing Drinking Water and Sanitary Sewage Services – EPSA, through technical assistance and institutional strengthening of the sector at the national level.
The AAPS is a technical entity for the regulation and supervision of Drinking Water and Sanitation services, which guarantees and protects the rights of users and service operators, contributing to access to quality, sustainable services and taking care of the conservation of resources. water.
Execute investment programs and projects for development within the framework of the Political Constitution of the State, the National Development Plan, the Sectoral, Departmental, Municipal or Local pillars, to contribute to the Living Well of the population.
It arose in compliance with Decree No. 28985, through which the government of Bolivia determined the procedures for the transfer of AISA shares in favor of the National Regional Development Fund (FNDR), a procedure that was executed to make the contents of the Framework Termination Agreement viable. of Disputes.
Contribute, under the cooperative philosophy, to improving the quality of life of members and users, providing Drinking Water and Sanitary Sewer Services in our service area. Optimize human, technical, economic and financial resources, efficiently managing partners' contributions. Develop our activities preserving the environment.
SEMAPA is a Decentralized Municipal Company, oriented to satisfy the needs of the drinking water service, collection and treatment of wastewater of the population, within the regulation area of the Cercado province of the department of Cochabamba, contributing through its services to improve their living conditions and preserve the environment, with quality management and community participation.
It is estimated that in Bolivia there are 303,000 million m3/year as internal renewable water resources, however, 40% of the territory goes through dry periods. It is estimated that 1,054 million m3/year of water are used for irrigation, 124 million m3/year for population use and 62 million m3/year for industrial use. In Bolivia, 5 million inhabitants do not have sewage systems, the final disposal of wastewater collected without treatment reaches 70%, contaminating watercourses, soils and aquifers. It is estimated that 572,000 million m3/year flow through the Amazon basin, while 47,474 million m3/year flow through the Rio de La Plata basin and 14,700 million m3/year flow through the Endorreica basin, which adds up to a surface runoff of 634,174 million m3/year, equivalent to 20,000 m3/s (FAO, 2000).
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Of these total renewable water resources, it is estimated that 303,000 million m3/year are internal renewable water resources, equivalent to 9,608 m3/s (Rojas, 2010). With regard to groundwater, there is no inventory of aquifers at the national level, nor storage and recharge volumes at the integrated level; there are prospecting and evaluation studies of specific zones within five hydrogeological units. In Bolivia, the priority areas for irrigation are regions with at least 6 months of water deficit per year.