Regulatory framework
In which water is declared as the State's heritage for public use and the State is assigned the functions of administering, regulating, controlling and managing access to water for life and development.
In which the functions of the Single Water Authority are established and establishes the right to water for all people.
In which the powers are established for the provision of water and sanitation services and for the management of hydrographic basins.
It constitutes a set of lines of action and goals that guide the intervention of the actors involved in the integrated and comprehensive management of water resources and the population in general, to conserve, recover and protect the quality of water from the "producing" ecosystems of the water resource, use, exploitation and discharges, to return to the water bodies. The lines of action are intersectoral and focus on technical, regulatory and management strategies. In addition, it contains short, medium and long-term goals, actors, indicators and expected results over a proposed fifteen-year horizon.
Establishes parameters that seek to guarantee state and citizen obligations regarding the protection of water quality. In this sense, article 96 declares water for human consumption a national priority and of public utility. Additionally, it mentions that it is the obligation of the State, through the municipalities, to provide the population with quality drinking water, suitable for human consumption.
In article 9, it promotes comprehensive participation between sectors with the purpose of issuing and applying technical standards, manuals and general parameters of environmental protection, applicable at the national level; the general regulatory regime applicable to the system of permits and licenses for potentially polluting activities, standards applicable to national plans and technical standards related to territorial planning. It is worth mentioning that the rules and regulations mentioned above seek to adopt preventive as well as control measures related to water quality.
They describe the responsibilities and intersectoral coordination on the technical standards and regulations related to discharges and discharges, with the purpose of preventing and controlling contamination in water.
Establishes the regulatory framework to prevent water contamination due to mining operations.
It is the public management instrument that determines the planning and public investment guidelines at the national level. The PNBV considers among its objectives to guarantee the rights of nature and promote environmental, territorial and global sustainability. In this sense, two key policies are established (7.6 and 7.8), directly linked to the objectives of the Water Quality Strategy, these being: managing the water heritage in a sustainable and participatory manner, with a focus on ecological basins and flows. to ensure the human right to water; and, to prevent, control and mitigate environmental pollution in the extraction, production, consumption and post-consumer processes.
The basic functions of this Plan are to take the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador as a guiding principle, taking the PNBV as a central objective, and its concept of water use "based on improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, the harmonious coexistence of man and nature", the practice of "improving flood and drought control, expanding the advantages and eliminating disadvantages", adjusting measures to local conditions, underlining the focal point, fully considering the need and possibility, in the near future and long-term perspective, following the concept of "comprehensive planning and taking all important factors into consideration", and scientifically formulate the comprehensive plan outline of the drainage basin.
It is a sectoral public planning instrument that seeks to articulate the policy of the Central Government, with the modalities of local management, ensure the coherence and consistency of interventions and investments in the different places that make up Ecuador and become, above all, a guiding tool. of public policy on irrigation and drainage
Institutional Framework
It is responsible for the coordination, articulation, formulation of policies and actions on the quality and control of water pollution, aimed at protection, conservation and integrated management.
The Committee is made up of the Ministers and Secretaries of the following State Portfolios: Secretary of Water (SENAGUA), Ministry of the Environment (MAE); and, Ministry of Public Health (MSP).
Guarantee fair and equitable access to water, in quality and quantity, through policies, strategies and plans that allow comprehensive and integrated management of Water Resources in Hydrographic Basins with the involvement and strengthening of social actors throughout the territory. national"
Regulate and control the comprehensive and integrated management of water resources, their uses, economic exploitation and the quality of public services linked to water, promoting the efficient, legal, responsible and sustainable use of this heritage.
Guarantee the quality, conservation and sustainability of natural resources, through the effective exercise of stewardship, planning, regulation, control, coordination and environmental and water resources management, through the participation of public, private, community organizations and the citizenship, within the framework of respect, integrity, responsibility and transparency.”
Formulate, manage and evaluate public energy and mining policy in accordance with the institutional strategic direction, within the current legal framework, practicing a culture of continuous improvement and teamwork, aimed at satisfying, with quality and warmth, the needs of citizens.
To be the governing body for the development of information and communication technologies in Ecuador, which include telecommunications, the radio spectrum, electronic government, simplification of procedures and information society, which issues regulations, policies, plans and monitors and evaluation of its implementation, which regulates and controls the postal sector, coordinating actions with the actors of the strategic sectors to guarantee equal access to services and promote their effective, efficient and effective use, which ensures progress towards the society of the information for the development of the Ecuadorian population.
An entity of the Ecuadorian state that is in charge of setting up inclusive spaces in society and in the economy in order to build a participatory, responsible and active citizenship. It also proposes inter-ministerial social development policies and is implementing a social development model that institutionalizes an inclusive public policy.
The Ministry of Public Health is the National Health Authority that guarantees the right to health of the population in the Ecuadorian territory, through governance, health promotion, disease prevention, surveillance, quality, research and provision of health services. integrated and comprehensive care.
Contribute to the protection of the health of the population, through risk management of products for human use and consumption as well as establishments subject to health surveillance and control, while facilitating the development of the national productive sector by providing a agile and expeditious attention to individual and institutional users.
The Ministry of Production Coordination, Employment and Competitiveness, generates, coordinates, articulates, promotes and evaluates the production, employment and competitiveness policies, programs, projects and strategies of the Production Sector Council, aimed at changing the productive matrix of Ecuador.
The MAGAP through of its programs and services promotes the strengthening of the productive chains in Ecuador, through technical assistance, delivery of inputs and mechanization, aimed at small and medium-sized farmers to contribute to the sovereignty and food security of the country.
Promote the strategic insertion of Ecuador in world trade through productive development, improvement of comprehensive competitiveness, development of value chains and investments.
The Ministry of Industries and Productivity is the State entity in charge of formulating and executing public policies, for the transformation of the pattern of industrial specialization, which generates favorable conditions for Good Living.
Governing institution of public labor, employment and human talent public service policies, which regulates and controls compliance with labor obligations through the execution of effective, efficient, transparent and democratic processes framed in comprehensive management models, to achieve a system of decent, quality and supportive work to move towards social justice in equal opportunities.
Governing entity of the National Multimodal Transportation System, execution and management of state infrastructure; implements, controls and evaluates public policy, strengthening safe transportation services and infrastructure and sustainable public works.
Its function is to ensure the quality of life of society and its components include economic security, health security, food security, environmental security, political security, personal security and community security. Its mission is to guarantee comprehensive security prioritizing human rights.
Lead the National Decentralized Risk Management System to guarantee the protection of people and communities from the negative effects of disasters of natural or anthropogenic origin, through the generation of policies, strategies and regulations that promote capabilities aimed at identifying, analyzing, preventing and mitigating risks to confront and manage disaster events; as well as to recover and reconstruct the social, economic and environmental conditions affected by eventual emergencies or disasters.
They are collegiate bodies of a consultative nature and made up of elected representatives of User Organizations, with the purpose of participating in the formulation, planning, evaluation and control of water resources.
The Drinking Water Administration Boards are community, non-profit organizations that have the purpose of providing the public drinking water service.
as well as, where appropriate, sanitation. Its actions are based on criteria of economic efficiency, sustainability of water resources, quality in the provision of services and equity in
the distribution of water.
Ecuador has shown a steady positive improvement in water and sanitation coverage. In 2020, access to improved water supply (piped water or other improved sources) reached 91.2 % of the population; and that of improved sanitation reached 96.8 % of the inhabitants.
However, there are still important challenges that the country must face. In terms of sanitation, coverage is high, although it drops to 45.5% in the low-income population. On the other hand, only 75% of Ecuadorians have access to safe water. This reveals the great problem of water in Ecuador: its safe use, not the lack of access, which has remained stagnant in recent years, comparing figures from 2016 with 2019-2020.
National water quality strategy
National Irrigation and Drainage Plan
Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society
Ministry of Social Development Coordination
National Agency for Health Regulation, Control and Surveillance
Ministry of Production Coordination
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Aquaculture and Fisheries
Ministry of Industries and Productivity
Ministry of Labor Relations/ Ministry of Labor
Security Coordinating Ministry
Ministry of public works and transportation
Links of interest:
In turn, there is a significant gap in terms of urban and rural areas: in 2019, 91.4% of the Ecuadorian population had access to the public drinking water network; 95.9% in urban areas and 81.8% in rural areas.Regarding water coverage at the territorial level, it is observed that there is great heterogeneity. Of the 224 cantons in the country, 25.9% have water coverage of less than 40% through the public network and a source close to the home, and only 9.4% have water coverage of 80% or more.