Regulatory framework
Strengthen the infrastructure of agricultural areas in irrigation districts, irrigation units and technical rainfed districts through their preservation, rehabilitation, modernization, and expansion. In this way, it is intended that the hydro-agricultural infrastructure constitutes an engine of development to cover and achieve the great challenges and national goals in food matters.
Its purpose is to regulate the exploitation, use or exploitation of said waters, their distribution and control, as well as the preservation of their quantity and quality to achieve their integral sustainable development.
Institutional Framework
It has established the Operating Rules for the Hydro-Agricultural Infrastructure Support Program, under the responsibility of the National Water Commission.
Responsible for the administration and preservation of the country's waters in order to guarantee the sustainable use of the resource. Conagua has three large operational areas: water management, basin organizations and technical assistance.
Responsible for managing and preserving national waters in their hydrological-administrative regions. Each one has a general director and an Advisory Council.
Mexico is already experiencing the negative effects of water shortages. In recent years, the central and northern regions of the country have experienced water shortages due to increased droughts. According to World Bank data, the average annual per capita water availability in the country went from 10,000 cubic meters (m3) in 1960 to 4,000 in 2012. It is estimated that by 2030, this availability in Mexico will drop below 3 thousand m3 per inhabitant per year.To guarantee future demand, the Mexican State needs to update the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern water management, as well as modernize the country's hydraulic infrastructure. It is necessary to take into consideration the different technical characteristics -particularly geophysical- and challenges that the country currently presents in terms of water, such as population growth, urban sprawl, the evolution of droughts, as well as variations in rainfall.
Links of interest:
There are four groups of consumers of water concessions in the country:
Agricultural sector. In 2020, this sector had 76% of the total water concessions for crop and livestock irrigation.
Public supply. This represents 15% of the total concessioned water and is distributed through drinking water networks to households, industries and other users connected to these networks.
Self-supplied industry. This represents 5% of the total concessioned and includes companies that take water directly from the country's rivers, streams, lakes and aquifers.
Thermoelectric power plants. Represents 4% of the water concessioned.