Ditch careo
Careo is a system of Muslim origin by which farmers guide water from snow-capped mountains to aquifer recharge zones. When the heat begins, they use a system of irrigation ditches to transport the water from the thaw so that it infiltrates the aquifers and appears in the rivers and springs after two or three months, in the middle of summer when it is most needed for irrigation.
Careo is a system of Muslim origin by which farmers guide water from snow-capped mountains to aquifer recharge zones. When the heat begins, they use a system of irrigation ditches to transport the water from the thaw so that it infiltrates the aquifers and appears in the rivers and springs after two or three months, in the middle of summer when it is most needed for irrigation.
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Estimated value:
Contribution to the recharge and production of water resources
Expected environmental impact:
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
200 - 500
Precipitation (mm):
1, 2, 6 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water production and storage
Main theme:
200 - 500
Application difficulty: