The fog catcher, also known as a fog collector, is a system used to capture the microscopic water droplets that are present in the fog and transform it into water that can be used. It is a creative way to collect water and thus avoid the droughts that plague parts of the planet where there is also fog. This system, technically, does not create water; on the contrary, the water is collected through the microdroplets that are present in the fog.
The fog catcher, also known as a fog collector, is a system used to capture the microscopic water droplets in the fog to transform it into water that can be used. It is a creative way to collect water and thus avoid the droughts that plague parts of the planet where there is also fog. This system, technically, does not create water; on the contrary, the water is collected through the microdroplets that are present in the fog. The lack of surface and underground water and the lack of rain in various habitable places on our planet has led to the manufacture of these systems to have water. The system is made up of a structure that supports posts and cables, a mesh and a gutter to receive the water that runs off by gravity, to then pass through the conduction system and be stored. The main element is the Raschell mesh, made of polypropylene or nylon with small spaces that allow the fog to be captured. In areas where this type of mesh is not available, any material with the following characteristics can be selected: (a) it allows enough light to pass through to allow the fog to circulate; (b) it is made of a resistant material; (c) it allows the condensation of water on the mesh, and (d) it does not alter the physical conditions of the water. From 200 to 350 liters of water can be obtained per day (fog trap of 24 m2), which would provide enough water for human consumption, as well as for the cultivation of vegetables, fruit and medicinal plants.
$500 - $1,000
Estimated value:
Harnessing water present in fog
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
50 - 100
Precipitation (mm):
2, 6, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water production and storage
Main theme:
50 - 100
Application difficulty:
1- http://repositorio.iica.int/bitstream/handle/11324/7220/BVE18040308e.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 2- https://www.sabermas.umich.mx/archivo/tecnologia/270-numero -31/486-mistcatcher.html 3- https://www.ministeriodesalud.go.cr/index.php/biblioteca-de-archivos-left/documentos-ministerio-de-salud/tecno-ciencia/inventario-tecn-de-agua-de-consumo-humano- tea cno-science/capturing-water-for-human-consumption-techno-science/capturing-water-from-rain-techno-science/technical-document-techno-science-1/1387-mist-catcher/ files 4- https://elpais.com/america-futura/2022-07-28/la-apuesta-de-chile-por-cosechar-agua-de-niebla-para-combatir-la-mayor-sequia-de- your-story.html 5- https://laderasur.com/articulo/los-atrapanieblas-y-el-legado-de-carlos-espinosa-el-cientifico-que-sonaba-con-entregar-agua-de-neblina-al-norte-del- country/
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