Biopesticides are developed from substances of botanical and microbiological origin. They provide natural protection for crops in the fight against pests and diseases, and allow food to be obtained without chemical residues.
Biopesticides are developed from substances of botanical and microbiological origin. They provide natural protection for crops in the fight against pests and diseases, and allow food to be obtained without chemical residues. In addition, biopesticides are respectful of auxiliary fauna. The use of biopesticides in agriculture is fully aligned with market trends that promote healthy eating without neglecting environmental conservation. As derivatives of living organisms, biopesticides can range from fungi to viruses (designed to attack insects) or plant extracts. They are solutions classified as low risk, which respect the plant's environment and the natural organisms of the ecosystem.
Estimated value:
Reduction in water and soil degradation due to the use of harmful pesticides.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
700 - 1000
Precipitation (mm):
2, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
700 - 1000
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.seipasa.com/es/blog/biopesticidas-crecimiento-mercado-global/ 2- https://kimitec.com/biopesticidas-proteccion-saludable-para-cultivos/ 3- https://www.portalfruticola.com/noticias/2020/02/04/7-tecnologias-agricolas-de-israel-para-luchar-contra-la-escasez-de-agua/ 4- https://issuu. com/aapresid/docs/184_baja/s/16283118 5- http://www.infoagro.go.cr/InfoRegiones/Publicaciones/Elaboracion_Biopesticida_produccion_Agricola_sostenible.pdf 6- https://naturpod.com/la-agricultura-ecologica-en-espana/#:~:text=Los%20principales%20cultivos%20ecol%C3%B3gicos%20en,conservaci%C3%B3n%20de%20frutas%20y% 20vegetables.
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