Flexi-Emas pump
These hand pumps, made of PVC or polyethylene pipe, are easy to build and adjust by cylinder diameter to control the pressure and amount of water pumped. Known as EMAS or Flexi pumps, they are adaptable and originated at the Mobile School of Water and Sanitation (EMAS) in Bolivia.
These are manual pumps that the user easily learns to build, since they are made of PVC or polyethylene pipe. By varying the diameter of the cylinder, the pressure or the amount of water to be pumped can be determined. The EMAS pump is also called Flexi because it can be installed in the most convenient place and allows adaptations. It is called EMAS because it was built in a school in Bolivia called the Mobile School of Water and Sanitation. This pump is designed to be installed in wells drilled by hand or machine, and is characterized by being low cost and easy to install; ideal for family use. This technology allows water to be extracted from excavated wells and deep drilled wells of small diameter; the water is collected at the wellhead or can also be raised to a water tank. The pump is direct action; human force is what allows the operation and is similar to an inflator, so the extraction of water is discontinuous. The most recommended installation height of the pump is no greater than 30 m from the dynamic level to the ground surface.
$45 - $100
Estimated value:
It does not affect biodiversity or the quality of water used for storage or use.
Expected environmental impact:
30 - 50
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
Precipitation (mm):
1, 2, 6 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.mag.gob.sv/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/21bomba-flexi-emas.pdf 2- https://tadeh.org/documentacion/ManualEMAS.pdf 3- https: //watersystemsandsanitationparaeldesarrollo.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/mbombamanual.pdf
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