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Gully Control

Gullies are ditches caused by soil erosion, with the presence of a slope, due to the concentration of water in the ground, generally due to rain. They can be ephemeral (less than 0.5 m deep) or permanent, if they exceed that depth and cannot be covered by conventional work.

Gullies are ditches caused by soil erosion, with a slope, due to the concentration of water in the ground, generally due to rain. They can be ephemeral (less than 0.5 m deep) or permanent, if they exceed this depth and cannot be covered by conventional work. Their control allows for soil conservation. Managing these ditches in places with a slope due to rainwater floods allows for the recharging of aquifers in soils with a good infiltration capacity. This is done by building stone walls, mud and grass sheds, and can even have wooden logs as support. They are built perpendicular to the channels formed by erosion and, in rainy seasons, serve to feed the aquifers, slow down the speed of the water and stop the soil being carried away.

$300 - $600

Estimated value:

Recharging aquifers, reducing erosion and sediment drag.

Expected environmental impact:



70 - 90

Efficiency (%):


Energy used:

100 - 700

Precipitation (mm):

2, 6, 12 and 13

SDGs impacted:

Water production and storage

Main theme:

100 - 700





Application difficulty:

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