Rooftop cultivation
Rooftops of houses and buildings, with areas ranging from 20 to 200 m², can be transformed into urban gardens to grow family food, promoting self-sufficiency. In addition to improving air quality and contributing to thermal and acoustic insulation, this initiative provides a connection with nature in urban environments.
Many houses and buildings have rooftops, areas of 20 to 200 m² that are generally exposed concrete zones that have natural light during the day and access to water all year round. The objective is to take advantage of this type of rooftop to create functional gardens to produce family or communal crops. It is also a way to oxygenate the air and contribute to thermal and acoustic insulation and it is an opportunity to live with nature from urban areas. If these green roofs are also transformed into edible areas, the experience becomes more productive and rewarding, it favors social relationships and responds to the growing concern for food. Rooftops function as a natural greenhouse due to their climatic conditions. During the winter, the high cloudiness creates an environment surrounded by diffuse light, high relative humidity and precipitation, ideal for growing vegetables, since the cold never becomes too intense to block the growth of these crops. During the summer, humidity remains high and light begins to reach the roofs directly, but a green mesh with 45% shade and an efficient irrigation system is enough to allow the growth of vegetables and some greens.
$200 - $400
Estimated value:
Use of rainwater and air oxygenation in cities.
Expected environmental impact:
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
50 - 100
Precipitation (mm):
2, 6, 9, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
50 - 100
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.leisa-al.org/web/index.php/volumen-35-numero-3/3968-huertos-en-azoteas 2- https://www.lavanguardia.com/magazine/buena -vida/20211128/7863994/azoteas-verdes-comestibles.html 3- https://elhorticultor.org/Biblioteca/general/Manual%20Huerto%20Azotea.pdf 4- https://www.uab.cat/web/sala-de-prensa/detalle-noticia/la-agricultura-urbana-en-azoteas-permite-producing-alimentos-sanos-frescos-y-sostenibles-1345667994339.html? newsid=1345786103843 5- https://www.senamhi.gob.pe/?p=mapa-climatico-del-peru#:~:text=Entre%20los%20climas%20de%20mayor,y%20c%C3%A1lido %20in%20the%20jungle.&text=Select%20the%20area%20or%20the,the%20description%C3%B3n%20of the%20climate%20corresponding. 6- https://generacionverde.com/azoteas-verdes/
Links of interest: