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Curves with vetiver

Vetiver is a dense root system used in crops with steep slopes or hillsides, it helps prevent soil erosion, ensuring stability over time, acts as a natural barrier to retain sediments, protecting nearby bodies of water and improving water quality.

Vetiver is a dense root system used in crops with steep slopes or hillsides, it helps prevent soil erosion, ensuring stability over time, acts as a natural barrier to retain sediments, protecting nearby bodies of water and improving water quality.

Estimated value:

Reduces soil erosion and sediment drag, improves water quality

Expected environmental impact:



Efficiency (%):


Energy used:

2000 - 2500

Precipitation (mm):

2, 6, 13 and 15

SDGs impacted:

Water use efficiency

Main theme:

2000 - 2500




Application difficulty:

Links of interest:

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