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Global Drought Information System (GDIS)

The Global Drought Information System (GDIS) is an international initiative that seeks to collect and compare drought information from different local and national sources. Its main objective is to provide a uniform platform for monitoring, predicting and managing droughts globally. GDIS offers tools and educational resources to help countries prepare for and respond to droughts, promoting collaboration and data sharing across different regions.

The Global Drought Information System (GDIS) is an international initiative that seeks to collect and compare drought information from different local and national sources. Its main objective is to provide a uniform platform for monitoring, predicting and managing droughts globally. GDIS offers tools and educational resources to help countries prepare for and respond to droughts, promoting collaboration and data sharing across different regions.

Estimated value:

Water and soil conservation, climate change mitigation

Expected environmental impact:



Efficiency (%):


Energy used:


Precipitation (mm):

2, 6, 13 and 15

SDGs impacted:

Water production and storage and water use efficiency

Main theme:





Application difficulty:

Links of interest:

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