ProRindes (Simulated Yield Forecast) is a tool designed to predict the yield of crops such as soybeans, corn, wheat and barley in several locations in the Argentine Pampas region. It uses computer models that simulate the growth and development of crops, based on climate, soil and agronomic management data. This tool was initially developed as a proof of concept and is now operated by the National Meteorological Service, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, and the civil organization CREA. ProRindes provides updated forecasts every 7-10 days during the agricultural campaign, helping producers make informed decisions about the management of their crops. In addition, ProRindes has a direct relationship with water resources, since crop yield is strongly influenced by availability and the platform has information on rainfall and water balances.
ProRindes (Simulated Yield Forecast) is a tool designed to predict the yield of crops such as soybeans, corn, wheat and barley in several locations in the Argentine Pampas region. It uses computer models that simulate the growth and development of crops, based on climate, soil and agronomic management data. This tool was initially developed as a proof of concept and is now operated by the National Meteorological Service, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, and the civil organization CREA. ProRindes provides updated forecasts every 7-10 days during the agricultural campaign, helping producers make informed decisions about the management of their crops. In addition, ProRindes has a direct relationship with water resources, since crop yield is strongly influenced by availability and the platform has information on rainfall and water balances.
Estimated value:
Water and soil conservation, climate change mitigation
Expected environmental impact:
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
600 - 800
Precipitation (mm):
2, 6, 13 and 15
SDGs impacted:
Water production and storage and water use efficiency
Main theme:
600 - 800
Application difficulty:
Links of interest: