Stubble or organic matter
Covers are an effective solution to counteract losses through evapotranspiration, as they conserve moisture and reduce the influence of solar radiation and wind on plants and soil. They also optimise irrigation efficiency.
Organic mulches are a great solution for evapotranspiration losses, as they are very efficient at conserving moisture and reducing the action of solar radiation and wind on plants and soil. They also maximize irrigation efficiency. Stubble mulching consists of keeping soils covered with organic matter, where even residues can be used. By covering soils with dead vegetation (commonly known as stubble), moisture evaporation is inhibited by keeping the soil shaded and allowing greater water infiltration (depending on the amount and type of residues used). Also, covering the soil with organic matter reduces the risk of erosion and benefits the biodiversity of the agroecosystem.
Estimated value:
It prevents moisture evaporation, soil erosion, improves water infiltration processes and benefits the agroecosystem.
Expected environmental impact:
50 - 70
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
2,000 - 2,500
Precipitation (mm):
1, 2 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
2,000 - 2,500
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.copacpuebla.org.mx/index.php/ac-6/68-rastrojo47#:~:text=Otros%20beneficios%20del%20uso%20del%20rastrojo%20son%3A%C2%A0%20la ,but%20especially%20maintain%20the%20fertility%20of%20themselves. 2- https://bloglatam.jacto.com/perdidas-por-evaporacion/ 3- https://agriculturasostenible.mx/2022/01/24/cobertura-del-suelo-con-materia-organica/#:~: text=By%20covering%20the%20soils%20with,%20use%20(FAO). 4- https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/portal_web/servicios_generales/doc_tecnicos/2010/agua_domesticada/parte_2/EAD28.pdf
Links of interest: