Drip irrigation
Water and nutrients are delivered to the field through a system of pipes called “drip lines,” which contain small devices called “drippers.” Each dripper emits a controlled stream of droplets containing water and fertilizer, resulting in an even application of water and nutrients directly to the root zone of each plant throughout the entire field.
Water and nutrients are delivered to the field through a system of pipes called “drip lines,” which contain small devices called “drippers.” Each dripper emits a controlled stream of water- and fertilizer-containing droplets, resulting in an even application of water and nutrients directly to the root zone of each plant throughout the entire field. Drip irrigation is the most efficient method of delivering water and nutrients to crops. It delivers water and fertilizer directly to the root zone of the crop, in the right amount and at the right time, so each plant receives exactly what it needs, when it needs it to grow optimally. Thanks to drip irrigation, growers can achieve better yields while saving water, as well as fertilizers, energy, and even agrochemicals.
Estimated value:
Reduction and optimization of water resource consumption.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
2000 - 3000
Precipitation (mm):
1, 2, 12 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
2000 - 3000
Application difficulty:
1- https://www.netafim.co.cr/riego-por-goteo/ 2- http://www.platicar.go.cr/images/buscador/fichas-tecnicas/HORTALIZAS/03_RIEGO_POR_GOTEO_Y_FERTIRRIEGO.pdf 3- http://www.prosap.gov.ar/Docs/3-%20Sistema%20de%20riego%20por%20goteo.pdf 4- https://www.intagri.com/articulos/agua-riego/sistema-de- drip-irrigation 5- https://www.mag.go.cr/bibliotecavirtual/AV-2235.pdf 6- https://repositoriotec.tec.ac.cr/handle/2238/11241 7- https://rieggo.com/blog/que-es-un-sistema-de-riego-por-goteo-y-sus-beneficios/
Links of interest: