Multi-gate irrigation
Multi-gate irrigation uses portable pipes to distribute water through adjustable gates in ditches or furrows, minimizing infiltration losses and achieving high efficiency by directing water directly to crops.
Multi-gates are a method for saving water that filters through the ditches or furrows that supply and transport the resource to the crops. The water runs through a portable PVC or light aluminum pipe and exits the furrows through small gates that are far apart, the opening of which can be regulated by a plate or a sliding valve. This type of irrigation is nothing more than a water conduction and distribution system, and by replacing these systems with others that have direct contact with the soil, infiltration losses are reduced, achieving high irrigation efficiency. In addition, they are easy to transport and install, work at low pressure, and their adjustable gates divert directly to the furrow, achieving high application efficiencies.
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Estimated value:
Reduces water consumption compared to other irrigation systems.
Expected environmental impact:
30 - 50
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
250 - 700
Precipitation (mm):
1, 2, 9 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
250 - 700
Application difficulty:
1- https://pyrargentina.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/sistemas-de-riego-por-compuertas.pdf 2-https://elpalmicultor.fedepalma.org/costos-tres-sistemas-de-riego-palmar-de-la-sierra/ 3- https://noticiasncc.com/cartelera/articulos-o-noticias/10/22/colombia-centro-investigacion-palma-de-aceite/ 4- https://www.eumed.net/rev/caribe/2017/06/riego-compuertas.html 5- https://pyrargentina.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/adaptacion-de-multicompuertas-para-altas-pendientes.pdf
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