Vortex Turbine
Electric power is essential in agriculture for tasks such as automated irrigation, machinery, heating, transportation and processing. One way to generate electricity is through the gravitational flow of water.
In agriculture, the use of energy, especially electricity, is essential for its proper development. This energy is used in very different ways: in drainage and irrigation automation, to operate the necessary machinery, in heating for greenhouses, in the transport of products both within the farms themselves and to the centres where they are marketed, in the transformation of food or in its own conservation. Therefore, one way of producing electricity is by taking advantage of an available natural resource such as water and its gravitational flow with potential usable kinetic energy. An associated technology is the gravitational votex turbine, whose energy conversion mechanism consists of passing water through a straight inlet and directing it tangentially towards a cylindrical container, equipped with a drainage hole at the bottom. The water forms a large vortex in this central drain that sets the turbine in motion, extracting the rotational energy of the vortex and converting it into electrical energy. This turbine has a compact design that facilitates its adaptation and installation in small available spaces. The external diameter of the vortex chamber generally reaches a maximum of 4 m, which means that little space is required for its installation.
Information not found
Estimated value:
It does not affect biodiversity or the quality of water used for electricity production.
Expected environmental impact:
70 - 90
Efficiency (%):
Energy used:
200 - 300
Precipitation (mm):
1, 2, 7 and 13
SDGs impacted:
Water use efficiency
Main theme:
200 - 300
Application difficulty:
1- https://computerhoy.com/noticias/tecnologia/hidroturbina-vortice-electricidad-729519 2- https://repositorio.unsa.edu.pe/server/api/core/bitstreams/42214e86-78cd-4594-bfb3 -8ef96e86a81c/content 3- https://tesis.ipn.mx/bitstream/handle/123456789/29173/Tesis.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 4- https://bibliotecadigital.univalle.edu.co/bitstream/handle/10893/16562/0573156 .pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 5- https://www.ceupe.com/blog/turbinas-hidraulicas.html
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