Regulatory framework
This is the highest legal norm in the country. According to this, drinking water and sanitation are fundamental human rights, therefore the resource must be managed sustainably and the environment must be protected, since this can have effects on the quality of the water. Therefore, the projects carried out must demonstrate that they do not affect the sustainability of the resource, otherwise they would be violating the standard. It also establishes that all waters (surface, underground, soil moisture, springs) are in the state public domain with the exception of rainwater.
It specifically establishes, in addition to establishing the national Water policy, what are the powers of the Executive Branch in matters of water. Regulates easements, both natural and civil.
They aim to prevent water erosion of soils, the most important environmental problem associated with agricultural production. This not only causes damage to the soil that is eroded but also to the landscape sites where sediments are deposited and the aquatic ecosystems to which the soil is exported.
They are contracts between the Public Administration and a private party who is in charge of the design, construction, operation and financing of a specific infrastructure work.
Although this law does not explicitly mention irrigation activities in agriculture, it provides that the productive sustainability of the soil resource must be protected as a non-renewable good, not authorizing activities that cause water or soil degradation, or incompatibilities with other types of most beneficial use for soil or water.
Institutional Framework
The formulation, execution, supervision and evaluation of national plans for environmental protection, environmental planning and conservation and use of natural resources, as well as the implementation of national policy on the matter, in addition to coordinating with other public and national entities. , departmental and municipal, in the execution of their tasks.
It is responsible for promoting the rational use and management of renewable natural resources, with the aim of achieving sustainable development of the agricultural sector and contributing to the conservation of biological diversity. It has among its divisions the Soil and Water Division. This division has under its aegis the Department of Water Use and Management (DUMA)
Exercise the competence attributed by law to the National Directorate of the Environment (DINAMA) and the powers in environmental matters, sustainable development, climate change, preservation, conservation and use of natural resources and environmental planning, which the laws have attributed to it. to the Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment (MVOTMA)
The mission of the National Directorate of the Environment (Dinama) is to achieve adequate protection of the environment by promoting sustainable development through the generation and application of instruments aimed at improving the quality of life of the population and the conservation and use environmentally responsible for ecosystems, coordinating the environmental management of public entities and articulating with the different social actors.
When the projects are larger, the use permits have a maximum term of 50 years. These permits are transferable by inheritance, legacy, donation and can be transferred with prior authorization from the MVOTMA.
The General Directorate of Renewable Natural Resources (RENARE) operates, which has among its divisions the Division of Soil and Water. This division has under its aegis the Department of Water Use and Management (DUMA)
They are advisory areas of the water authority and within their powers are:
• Formulate the Regional Water Resources Plan and monitor its execution.
• Articulate between national, regional and local actors linked to water.
• Promote and coordinate the formation of Basin and Aquifer Commissions.
• Advise and support in water management.
• Basin and Aquifer Commissions.
• Formulate guidelines for local Water Resources plans.
• Promote the strengthening and effective exercise of the right of citizen participation recognized in Chapter VI of the National Water Policy Law.
• Propose general criteria for granting rights to use water resources and for charging for their use.
It is in charge of formulating the national water resources management plan and has essential participation in establishing water guidelines.
It is in charge of dealing with issues of administration and management of water resources that are shared with other neighboring States. They are made up of representatives of governments, users and civil society. Today there are three of them linked to the Uruguay River, Laguna Merín and Río de la Plata.
These have been created for a better evaluation, administration, use and control of water resources, mainly for irrigation within their area of influence. Currently there are 8 offices. In turn, they act as local representatives of national organizations.
These are formed within the regional offices and function as advisors to them in what has to do with the particular basin that occupies it.
It operates within the orbit of the MVOTMA and performs advisory functions to the Executive Branch on water and sanitation matters.
It is made up of a delegate from each ministry related to irrigation (MGAP, MVOTMA, Ministry of Transportation and Public Works and Ministry of Economy), and two representatives from the private sector.
They can obtain financing and subsidies
· They have access to tax benefits such as income tax exemption, special treatment for accounting amortization of the work, deduction of consulting expenses one and a half times for tax purposes.
· Additional benefits in the event that the projects qualify under the Investment Promotion Law.
· They are limited to use, handling and exploitation in accordance with current laws).
Between 2022 and 2023, the agricultural sector recorded losses equivalent to 3% of national GDP, some US$1.88 billion. The water deficit also left Paso Severino, the main source of drinking water supply for the metropolitan area, dry, causing an unprecedented supply crisis. 1.7 million people were affected, especially between April and August 2023, by the deterioration of running water that became salty and undrinkable.despite being watered by rivers, streams and creeks, Uruguay lacks an alternative source to supply drinking water to half of its population.
Links of interest:
During the crisis, the authorities decided to draw water from the Rio de la Plata, which is saltier due to the oceanic influence, so as not to cut off the supply. In Uruguay, the variability of rainfall, more frequent droughts and their impact on production have placed the implementation of irrigation at the center of the debate.The crisis occurred just when Uruguay was trying to build a strategy for the future of its economy, beyond beef and soybean exports.